Pura Stainless LLC
Pura Stainless735 State Street, Ste 229
Santa Barbara CA 93101
Blümchen Stoffwindel GmbH
Pfarrzeile 7,
2002 Grossmugl
For your child's safety and health WARNING!
Always use this product with adult supervision. Never use feeding teats as a soother. Continuous and prolonged sucking of fluids will cause tooth decay. Always check food temperature before feeding. Keep components not in use out of the reach of children. Throw away at the first signs of damage or weakness. Due to strangulation hazards do not extend cords or loops. Never attach to cords, ribbons, laces, or loose parts of clothing. The child can be strangled. For use with Breast Milk only. Not to be used for mixing formula milk.
Never give a child liquid at a temperature above 99°F / 37°C and, as a precaution, always test on your wrist before feeding.
Straws are not suitable for a child under 6 months.